

Members of law enforcement are a key partner in Street Smart NJ campaigns. Their presence in a community encourages people to comply with New Jersey’s laws related to pedestrian safety and helps correct the behaviors that contribute to pedestrian injuries and fatalities.

It’s up to our municipal partners to decide what type of enforcement will be used during their campaigns. In some communities, police officers will issue warnings to drivers and people walking who violate the laws. In other communities, officers may start with warnings and move to summonses for violations of the law. Each community should decide what works best for its campaign.

Some police departments will conduct pedestrian decoy or Cops in the Crosswalk initiatives to remind drivers of their legal responsibility to stop for people crossing in marked crosswalks and at intersections with unmarked crosswalks. To learn more about this program, review the New Jersey Division of Highway Traffic Safety’s How To Guide. Police officers can also help educate the public by distributing Street Smart NJ materials and talking to community members about safe driving and crossing practices.

Officer Daily Report
Pedestrian Decoy Daily Report
NJDHTS Crosswalk Palm Card