New Jersey’s new #SafePassingLaw requires motorists to move over 4 feet when safe, or slow down to 25 mph for pedestrians, bicyclists, wheelchair users and other vulnerable road users. #PassMeLikeYouKnowMe
NJ's new safe passing law requires drivers to provide at least 4 feet when passing vulnerable road users, like scooter riders and people walking. Learn more: #SafePass4NJ #SafeDriversSaveLives
Move over at least 4 feet (a full lane if available) when passing vulnerable road users – like people walking & biking. If that’s not possible, slow down and be prepared to stop. It's the law in NJ! #SafePass4NJ #PassMeLikeYouKnowMe
Did you hear about NJ’s safe passing law? You must provide at least 4 feet, move over a lane, or slow down to 25 mph when passing a cyclist. Learn more: #SafeDriversSaveLives
Remember, police officers in [YOUR TOWN] are enforcing driver and pedestrian safety laws. Learn more about the campaign at
Motorists in New Jersey MUST stop for people in marked crosswalks. Failure to do so could result in 2 points and a $200 fine.
Driver safety tip: Stop for people in marked crosswalks and yield when turning at intersections. It’s the law.
Driver safety tip: When the light is red, a person crossing on a walk signal has the right of way. Stop and wait before turning, it’s the law.
Driver safety tip: Slow down for safety. Travelling at a lower speed WILL save a life.
More than half of pedestrian fatalities occur on local and county roads. Slow down for safety.
Speeding, illegal turns and distracted driving put pedestrians at risk. We all have a responsibility to make our streets safer.
All intersections are crosswalks. If the light is red, drivers MUST stop for pedestrians, even if the crosswalk is unmarked. Drive Smart.
Driver safety tip: Look and stop for pedestrians and bicyclists when turning right on red.
Driver safety tip: Create a safety zone. Allow four feet when passing bicyclists.
Driver safety tip: Do not pass vehicles stopped at or adjacent to crosswalks and intersections. Look for pedestrians before proceeding.
Driver safety tip: Do not block or park in crosswalks. They’re pedestrian safety zones.
Driver safety tip: Be extra alert around buses and look out for pedestrians.
Slow down for safety — especially around schools. If a person is struck by a car going 20 mph or slower, the odds of survival are good. Above 35 mph, the impact is likely to be fatal.
Driver safety tip: Stop for pedestrians in marked crosswalks and yield when turning at intersections. It’s the law.
Pedestrian safety is all of our responsibility. Play your part by stopping for pedestrians at an intersection. It’s the law.
Driver safety tip: Stop for people in marked crosswalks and yield when turning at intersections. It’s the law. Learn more about our #pedestriansafety campaign at
Driver safety tip: Eliminate all distractions when driving. Your hands should be on the wheel and your focus should be on the road. #JustDrive #EndDD #HeadsUpPhonesDown