
Title 39: Traffic Law and Vulnerable Users - Verona

May 7

Time: 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. 1:30-4 p.m.
Location: Verona Community Center
Firemen's Training Room
800 Bloomfield Ave.
Verona, NJ 07044
Law enforcement officers are very familiar with traffic law but their frame of reference is how it relates to motorized traffic.

Traffic law explicitly gives bicycle riders the same rights and duties as drivers of motor vehicles. It also addresses pedestrian behavior. Most, but not all, traffic law applies to bicyclists. Since the view from a bicycle or the sidewalk is different, and neither of those road users has a sturdy metal structure to protect them, bicyclists’ and pedestrians’ view of those rights and duties differs from that of the motorist. Inconsistencies between state law and municipal codes also may impact officers’ response to the actions of various road users.

This course, specifically for New Jersey law enforcement officers only, addresses these issues. It increases awareness of the impact of traffic law on the bicycle driver and the pedestrian, and gives traffic patrol officers the opportunity to experience those perspectives. The class is co-taught by a national bicycling coach and a police officer (active or retired).

Classroom modules (3.5 hours) cover:
  • Education: Traffic skills education
  • Engineering: Highway and bikeway designs, controls
  • ​Enforcement: Equitable treatment of cyclists through the legal process, including bicycle crash investigation techniques

On-bike modules (3 hours) include:

  • Hazard avoidance techniques that are taught to the public to help avoid crashes.
  • ​Road ride and mini-walking audit designed to include as many types of roads as is feasible based on course location.

The on-bike modules are optional, but are strongly recommended. The classroom modules provide insight into the way officers interact with bicyclists, the on-bike portion makes the difference. Officers’ understanding of Title 39 as it applies to bicyclists changes when they are on bicycles in traffic. The on-bike experience creates a new awareness of what it means to be a bicyclist or pedestrian.

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