
White Horse Pike Safety Campaign

Mar 25 - Apr 30

Time: 11 a.m.

The Camden County Prosecutor’s Office and the State Attorney General launched a traffic safety initiative with a news conference on March 25 at 11 a.m. to cut down on motor vehicle crashes and to enhance pedestrian safety along the White Horse Pike. Over the last four years, the state highway has had an increase in car accidents and pedestrian fatalities.

 In 2023 alone, there were seven fatal crashes on this state highway. These crashes resulted in eight deaths with five being pedestrians and one being a bicyclist.

The overall scope of the plan will be to work alongside the 14 local police agencies throughout the White Horse Pike corridor in Camden County. In addition, more resources from the Division of Highway Safety will be provided to support and collaborate with the community for safer driving. These initiatives include addressing aggressive and distracted driving while also focusing on seat belt safety and most importantly pedestrian safety.