
Thursday, October 19, 2023

Halloween Safety Tips

Want to hear something scary?

Children are more than twice as likely to be hit by a car and killed on Halloween than any other night of the year, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. And the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that children are four times more likely to be hit by a vehicle on Halloween.

Set down some rules of the road with your trick-or-treater before they head out this Halloween:

  • Trick or trick as part of a large group with an adult.
  • Be visible. Carry a flashlight and use reflective tape or strips on costumes and candy bags.
  • Walk on sidewalks wherever possible, and if there is no sidewalk, walk on the far edge of the road facing traffic to stay safe.
  • Look both ways before crossing the street at a crosswalk or intersection.
  • Make sure costumes don’t impair the ability to walk or see, don’t wear masks that can limit visibility.

October 31 falls on a Tuesday this year and with the sun setting earlier each day, children only have a couple of hours to be out and about before it gets dark.

And before drivers get behind the wheel this Halloween, there are also simple things that drivers should remember – and continued to do year-round -- to make sure everyone makes it home safe:
  • Just Drive: Driver inattention is the leading cause of fatal crashes in New Jersey. Putting the phone away and focusing on the road will save lives.
  • Slow Down for Safety: Slower is always safer and helps ensure you can stop in time to avoid a crash.
  • Stop for People: Drivers must stop to allow people to cross in crosswalks and at intersections — it’s the law in New Jersey.